Mr. Speaker, I totally agree with the member that it is important to know where we have been to know where we are going and have our plan for the future.
I would like the hon. member to respond to the fact that upon taking power, our government did handle the surplus in a very prudent way. We paid down the debt. We paid it down by $40 billion, which prepared the way for us to have capacity in spending money during this global economic downturn.
The record of the Liberals that I would like to point out is the more than $500 million that was handed to friends of the Liberal Party in Quebec through the sponsorship scandal, and how their handling of that was so-called good fiscal management.
I would like to ask the member, if planning is such a priority in knowing where we are going, the Canadian people have yet to hear what her party's plan is for our country. Could she respond to that, please?