Order, please. I am going to stop the hon. member there to remind him that there may have been issues at committee, which the members of the committee may wish to delve into further, but the point of privilege that was originally raised was specifically on the S. O. 31.
What happened at committee may be a subject for debate or discussion for remedy at committee and a report might be made back to the House, but for right now we are dealing with a point of privilege raised on the S. O. 31.
We have been discussing this for quite some time and I have heard submissions from a number of MPs discussing it. I will allow the member a brief time to wrap up but I encourage him to be very brief, as we have already discussed this for quite some time, and to refer specifically to the point that was raised. If he has other points that may have happened at committee, there are mechanisms for him to raise that in the appropriate place.