Madam Chair, the hon. member has it right in so many ways. Canada has a $1 billion annual lobster industry. Every year, year after year, on a normal basis, the lobster industry would generate for us all $1 billion when the price was at its normal level. Now we see the price reduced, especially last year.
The answer to that crisis, caused by the global economic crisis, was to provide $15 million to assist a normal $1 billion industry. The minister's response was to provide 1.5% of one year's gross of that industry. That does not seem very fair. It does not seem fair when we consider the impact on communities and regions. We could have done better. Of that $15 million, only half the money was ever spent, and $7.5 million were returned to the federal government, not in the hands of those who need it but in the hands of the government for debt reduction or whatever. That is where it is.
We need an economic strategy that meets the needs of an industry that is vital to this region.