Mr. Speaker, in response to (a), over the last 10 years, 19 research scientists and biologists have left the department. The science branch has hired 14 new research scientists and biologists in the last five years and is conducting staffing processes or has created pools of qualified candidates for further hiring this fiscal year. Of the 19 departures in the last 10years, 11were research scientists (SE-RES classification group) one research manager (SE-REM classification group) and six biologists retired.
In response to (b), in addition to new hiring in marine mammals, aquaculture, ecological science and physical and biological oceanography, research specialists have also been hired in the areas of groundfish, pelagic fish, shellfish and salmonids to replace staff that have left the department. In total, 28 research specialists and technical staff have been hired in the last five years to continue all aspects of the delivery of the science program in the DFO Newfoundland and Labrador region.
In response to (c), the library collection was relocated to an offsite location in 2008. Since that time, staff have been able to access materials in the collection through the librarian at the offsite location. DFO has been working with PWGSC, the building owner, to renovate a ground level space within the NAFC to house the library which is expected to reopen in fiscal year 2011-12.
In response to (d), at this time, the research trawler Wilfred Templeman is in “cold-layup” in St. John’s harbour. The Newfoundland region science program is being fully supported by the Teleost and Alfred Needler, the sister-ship of the Wilfred Templeman. There have been no reductions in the at-sea research program in the NL region as a result of the Templeman being in cold-layup.Cold lay-up of the Wilfred Templeman indicates that the vessel and all systems are non-operational.
In response to (e), there have been no research programs cut in order for the science sector to focus on the ecosystem-based approach. Data from long-standing programs which are continuing, are being utilized in new analyses to support our understanding of the ecosystem and generate science advice for our internal clients and external stakeholders.
In response to (f), durrently, there are approximately 200 scientists, biologists, physical scientists, technicians and administrative support working in the science sector in the region. The ecosystem-based approach requires an integration of data analyses, experience, and scientific insight from all disciplines to provide a coherent picture of what is taking place in the environment.
n response to (g), there are currently 95 science staff in technical positions. Of those, 74 are assigned to marine science programs and regularly go to sea. Another 13 are assigned to freshwater programs but nearly all go to sea during the fall and spring multi-species research vessel surveys.
In response to (h), the science sector in the NL region has been conducting selection processes to create pools of qualified technicians, biologists and research scientists. The pools of qualified candidates are available to fill positions as they become vacant and through processes such as the Knowledge Transfer Agreement, new staff are hired before retirements so a period of knowledge transfer can take place. Selection processes are continuously taking place in the region in anticipation of vacancies and when pools from an earlier process have been exhausted.
In response to (i), the department has policies in place whereby designated spokespersons, including subject-matter-expert scientists, are approached to respond to media queries. Many science staff at the NAFC are designated spokespersons in their area of expertise.