Mr. Speaker, our government has increased funding for women to the highest level ever seen in our country and abroad.
The women's program at Status of Women Canada has two components: the women's community fund and the women's partnership fund. These programs are essential tools that allow Status of Women Canada to support the work of organizations that promote the equality of women and girls.
In 2007, our government increased the funding capacity of the women's program to unprecedented levels. Consequently, we were able to support more Canadian women and girls, especially those most in need.
The reaction to the increased funding for the women's program speaks for itself: in 2006, we received 145 applications, but in 2009, the call for proposals for the women's community fund alone generated almost 500 applications for funding.
To be eligible for funding consideration, projects must be one-offs and must work to promote the full participation of women in the economic, social and democratic life of Canada. This criterion is consistent with the three pillars established for Status of Women Canada: advancing women's and girls' economic security; ending violence against women, including aboriginal women and girls; and encouraging women's leadership and democratic participation.
The number of groups looking for financial support under the women's program keeps increasing. As is often the case with the funding program, it is unfortunately not always possible to fund all the projects that deserve to be funded.
In 2009-10, 78 valid and important community projects were approved. Of that number, 34 were from groups that were receiving funding for the first time. The full list of projects funded is available in a press release issued on May 6 on the Status of Women Canada website.
According to the organizations whose 78 projects received funding, these projects will have a direct impact on more than 24,000 women in Canada.
These projects will have positive results for women from diverse backgrounds in a large number of communities. I only have enough time to name a few: the Newfoundland Aboriginal Women's Network set up a project called “Empowering Aboriginal Women; Influencing Community Wellness”. This 24-month project will promote violence prevention by facilitating leadership skills development in 84 community workshops with 500 aboriginal women.
Status of Women Canada and our government are concerned about women in Canada and Quebec, aboriginal women, all the women here today.