Mr. Speaker, I rise today to give special recognition to the students at L.V. Rogers Secondary School in Nelson, B.C. for doing their part to improve our country and secure our future.
These creative students have partnered with the community and film industry professionals to produce a feature film about climate change called Project Turquoise Snowflake. I urge my hon. colleagues to contact me for more information about this film.
Throughout this experience the message has been clear to those involved in the film and to all Canadians: all is possible when the energy and enthusiasm of youth is mixed with the experience and guidance of supportive mentors.
Climate change is an opportunity for all Canadians to work together to effect positive change.
Margaret Mead commended small groups of thoughtful, committed citizens who can change the world.
Indeed, we can find one such group at L.V. Rogers Secondary School in Nelson, British Columbia, one of the many bright spots in my riding.
Well done, LVR.