Mr. Chair, it has been a tough time for Ukraine and the people of Ukraine since the fall of the wall and the division of the former Soviet Union. I think it has been more difficult for Ukraine than it has been for some of its neighbouring countries, such as Poland, the Czech Republic, or the Baltic states. Certainly Ukraine has had a more difficult time. Progress has been slower.
There was a lot of hope with the Orange Revolution and what has happened since, but now we see a reversal in the situation. To me it is one thing to have slow progress, but it is another thing to have a reversal. It must be extremely disheartening for the people in Ukraine to see this happening. It certainly is for people of Ukrainian descent. I am sure it is for relatives and friends, and it is in my constituency, where there is a large population of people from Ukrainian backgrounds.
This reversal truly is a pivotal time in the history of Ukraine. We do not know where things are going to go from there. Would the member agree that the reversal is certainly quite a different situation from slow progress?