No, it is not different. It is a colour that represents freedom, democracy and opportunity to participate in the development of their nation. We applaud the people of Ukraine for standing up and fighting for that. I know Ukrainians share that with Canadians. They want the opportunity for economic development. They want the freedom of association. They want democratic institutions.
There is a wonderful institution that comes out of Alberta, the Ukrainian News, which has been there for many decades. It has been giving front page coverage to this issue. It is clearly an issue of concern to Canadians and to Albertans, and not just people of Ukrainian decent.
I am wondering if the member agrees with what is reported in the Ukrainian News , that the Ukrainian Canadian Congress is saying, yes, we should be using all diplomatic means but we should be censoring the Ukrainian government if it is not including measures for democracy and freedom of speech in its trade relationships with Canada. I wonder if the member could speak to that.