Mr. Speaker, today is the last day of Brain Tumour Awareness Month in Canada. This may come as a surprise to some of my colleagues in the House.
For too many Canadians—more than 50,000 of them—their brain tumour diagnosis also came as a surprise.
As we have all experienced through family and friends, and even through some of our colleagues here, cancer does not discriminate and can strike quickly.
Thousands today do not even know yet that they have this increasingly common, through often hard-to-detect, form of cancer.
New technologies and treatments mean that, these days, this disease is less often fatal, but with improvements to come, we can make that a guarantee.
An increasing number of survivors are also coping better and living more normal lives. They walk these halls and pass us on the street. They are not simply enduring their struggle; they are thriving and winning.
It therefore gives me great pleasure to be able to both celebrate them and increase awareness by highlighting Brain Tumour Awareness Month.