Mr. Speaker, I had not intended to stand, but that last comment cannot go without a response.
Mr. Speaker, you heard very clearly from our whip. We all sponsor members of the general public to come here and sit in the galleries. We do that every single day.
To then attribute misbehaviour on behalf of one of those people that we sponsored to the individual who was the sponsor is just totally inappropriate. To make that kind of comment is wrong because at any given time one of those people who we provided a pass to sit in these galleries could be doing the same thing.
This weekend I will have been here 11 years. I have been through five incidents, and in not one of those incidents, and I include the one that happened yesterday, can we point to the member of Parliament who allowed the person to have the pass as having any foreknowledge that there was going to be an incident.
We have had five incidents, and I do not believe there have been any other incidents. I was in the chamber every single time and there has never been an occasion when we could show that the member who was the sponsor had any knowledge of what was going to happen.