Mr. Speaker, as we have discussed many times in the House, the health and safety of Canadians are priorities for the Government of Canada. We want to ensure that workers across the country are protected, regardless of what sector they work in. Chrysotile is a naturally occurring mineral that has long supported a major mining sector in Quebec.
The Government of Canada has supported the controlled use of chrysotile in the country and abroad for over 30 years.
All those involved in the chrysotile industry, and more specifically in mining chrysotile, recognize that this substance can be dangerous.
That is why there are controlled conditions for mining chrysotile, and this is achieved through the enforcement of appropriate safety regulations.
The government has been clear, and its safety message has been widely shared throughout the world.
In Canada, exposure to chrysotile is controlled by regulations; workplace programs and practices; federal, provincial and territorial limits; and restrictions on certain categories of consumer products and products in the workplace under Canada's Hazardous Products Act.
Chrysotile is not present in consumer products that can break down and release dangerous fibres or dust.
When chrysotile is used industrially, its use is controlled by workplace health and safety regulations.
Our policies on chrysotile have the right goal: safe and responsible use.
In 1984, the governments of Canada and Quebec, working with the industry and unions, founded the Chrysotile Institute.
Since then, this non-profit organization has actively promoted the responsible, controlled use of chrysotile in Canada and abroad.