Mr. Speaker, I had the opportunity on four or five occasions to go out west and talk to hundreds of farms out west, who gathered in groups, who did vote Conservative. However, they told me, clearly, they did not vote Conservative for the purpose of dismantling the Canadian Wheat Board. The member needs to understand that.
When the Wheat Board is dismantled, it will lose its clout. The Economist has said that small farms will fail. The Economist has said that not only will small farms fail, but small town economies out west will forever change. The Wall Street Journal said that profits will be found in the hands of Viterra and Cargill, from whose pockets? From the farmers' pockets.
I ask the member opposite, if he is so convinced that a majority of farmers want this to happen, why did they not hold a vote under section 47.1 of the Canadian Wheat Board Act? Those same farmers said they would live by whatever that vote determined.