Mr. Speaker, I rise today to place into our national record my commendation of a very extraordinary Canadian, a man who was not only a champion of justice, a voice for the voiceless, a man of deep and compelling faith, but a mentor and cherished friend.
His name is Gerald Vandezande. Sadly, Gerry passed away on July 16. The catalogue of his achievements and contributions to his community and his country is far too long to list in a short time.
He was called “Canada's unassuming prophet”. He was the founder of the faith-based organization known as Citizens for Public Justice, a group that advocates for those in our society who are easily forgotten, children, the poor, and on many other issues of social justice on which our faith in God and faith in the dignity of humankind calls us to act. In his book Justice, Not Just Us, Gerry expands on the intersection of faith and politics.
For his work, Gerry received the Order of Canada and the love and incredible respect of his friends and colleagues.
Gerry loved the prophet Micah: seek justice, be merciful, and walk humbly with God.
On behalf of all parliamentarians, I offer my love and condolences to Gerry's wife and his family.