Madam Chair, as we are in committee of the whole, I think it appropriate that I share a remarkable experience that got off to a very rough start in 2000.
A person died somewhere, but his or her heart continued its mission. One of my constituents, a friend who lived close to me at the time and was the father of four children, developed severe heart disease at age 32. That was Sylvain Bédard, who received a heart transplant 11 years ago.
Since that time, he has had a fifth child, and even has a number of athletic achievements to his name. He climbed Mont Blanc, near Chamonix. He climbed to 6,000 metres somewhere in Bolivia. It is a testament to his energy and an example of just how worthwhile the transplant process is. After 11 years, Sylvain Bédard is still in good health and remains an example to us all. He is a dynamo and his dynamism is highly infectious. He makes us feel like going to get some exercise.