Mr. Speaker, in response to (a), budget 2010 announced a number of cost containment measures to reduce the rate of growth in operating expenditures in 2010-11 and the following two years. In 2010-11, CIDA had to absorb the wage and salary increase resulting from signed collective agreements, $1,769K. For the next two years, the agency’s operating budget is frozen at the 2010-11 levels. As part of Canada’s new agenda for aid effectiveness, CIDA has already committed to focus its programming to improve efficiencies in program delivery and operations, while maintaining high level of stewardship and due diligence. In order to improve efficiencies, program business processes are being redesigned to be more streamlined and to enable more effective program delivery. The implementation of CIDA’s integrated business planning provides a foundation for more effectiveness and efficient use of resources going forward.
In response to (b, during fiscal year 2010-11, 169 full-time employees and 4 part-time employees have left CIDA. The departures include the number of deaths, resignations, retirements and transfers out.
In response to (c), in fiscal year 2010-11, zero full-time or part-time employees were laid off.
In response to (d), in fiscal year 2010-11, 126 full-time and 2 part-time indeterminate employees were hired.
In response to (e), as of March 31, 2011, 172 employees were eligible to retire. By the end of 2016, 280 additional indeterminate employees will be eligible to retire. Overall, 452 indeterminate employees, excluding secondments and students, will be eligible to retire by 2016.