Mr. Speaker, I rise today to commemorate the 56th anniversary of the 1956 revolution in Hungary.
My father and many youth revolted against the Soviet imposed tyranny on Hungary by becoming freedom fighters, demanding democratic elections. They had democratic elections before and it is my earnest belief that humans have a natural appetite, really, a compulsion, for freedom. However, the Soviets sent in tanks to silence them.
My maternal uncle, a young teacher, was imprisoned,along with many others, barred from disseminating reasoned thought.
The revolution, of course, was unsuccessful.
Behind the Iron Curtain, millions of Europeans endured bread lines, a complete lack of free speech and the classic demonstration of a complete lack of confidence or public support for their policies with locked borders.
I am proud to stand here today to honour those who stood with my father and uncle to fight for freedom and democracy.
I would also like to recognize the members of the Hungarian parliament who are here today in the gallery to celebrate this anniversary.