Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the occasion of the Association of Progressive Muslims of Canada's 18th annual Eid al-Adha dinner this evening. Marking the occasion of the Hajj, Eid is a time when Muslims in Canada and around the world take time to consider the most disadvantaged members of society, to donate to charities and to share a meal with the less-advantaged members of their community. It is also an occasion for Canadians of different backgrounds to see first hand the rich cultural and religious mosaic that is one of the defining features of Canada.
I would also like to thank Mobeen Khaja, president of the Association of Progressive Muslims, whose work in promoting intercultural and interfaith dialogue has contributed to the tolerance, respect and mutual understanding that are the cornerstones of the society we are privileged to be part of.
I look forward to attending this year's dinner and wish everyone a very happy Eid al-Adha. Eid Mubarak.