Mr. Speaker, last week, I had the pleasure of speaking with many people in my riding.
How can I forget the wonderful bowling fundraiser for those in need hosted by the Association Marie-Reine d'Anjou? In Rivière-des-Prairies, I met with two youth organizations. The first meeting was held as part of the Carrefour jeunesse-emploi's anniversary and the second took place at the Maison des jeunes de Rivière-des-Prairies.
I would like to thank the workers, parents and teachers for their work and for making young people their focus. These adults listen to young people and use their life experience to show young people that they can make their dreams come true.
However, reality is not always easy to deal with. The director of the Centre de la famille haïtienne et interculturel de Rivière-des-Prairies is well aware of this fact. This year, she lost one of her staff members as a result of budget cuts, something we are all familiar with. She shared with us her concerns about the deterioration of the services for newcomers and their families.
The work being done by the Table des élus de l'Est is thus more important than ever. We represent all parties at all levels of government. Together, we are trying to find ways to solve the problems facing eastern Montreal. We met last week.