Mr. Speaker, this week we celebrate Co-op Week in Canada, which honours the best in co-operative education. We recognize the critical importance of the role colleges and universities play, as they celebrate outstanding co-op students, employers and staff members. This is our time to honour co-operative education in Canada.
We recognize employers and students who reflect the best in co-operative education. This select group of highly trained individuals receives experience in a work-integrated environment and enters the workforce with essential employment skills. Employers prize these graduates because they use them immediately upon hiring them, and in permanent positions. Co-op practitioners and institutions give passionately of their time and energy to ensure that opportunities exist for students seeking co-op work terms. We must thank employers who provide work-integrated experiences for students in partnership with educational institutions.
Let me add the thanks of this House to the dedicated institutions, employers, students and co-op staff. Canada's strong co-operative education system is recognized throughout the world because of that amazing commitment. Let me add my personal acknowledgement to Londoner, Kirk Patterson, chair of Co-op Week for Canada, for his leadership.