Mr. Speaker, founded by the Hon. Mitchell Sharp, the Canadian Hunger Foundation, CHF, is now celebrating 50 years of service. CHF works with numerous partners in 52 countries around the world to break the cycle of poverty.
The organization changes lives and creates solutions to combat the effects of drought, disease, and devastating poverty in rural communities. Its approach is grounded in sustainability. It respects and empowers the local population as architects of their own development in building peace in post-conflict areas; in reconstructing the lives of those struck by disaster; in empowering women; and in protecting the environment.
I was recently given the opportunity to visit one of the projects managed by CHF in South Sudan and was impressed by the positive impact of peace-building efforts and the success of a micro-food processing enterprise led by women.
I congratulate the staff of CHF for their passion and devotion and thank the thousands of Canadians who contribute annually to CHF. Their generosity is truly helpful.