Mr. Speaker, next Monday Canadians will commemorate the 95th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. Together with students from St. Peter Catholic High School we will remember Canada's victory, which was the successful capture of Vimy Ridge in a struggle for peace, liberty and hope.
Today we remember the more than 650,000 brave Canadians who served during World War I and the more than 66,000 who lost their lives.
The Canadians who were about to capture the ridge at dawn on that Easter Monday simply had to face that challenge.
At 5:30 that morning, the first wave of Canadian soldiers, each shouldering up to 70 pounds of equipment, pushed up the ridge through snow and sleet.
These were young men who, until then, had their whole future stretching out ahead of them.
It is the responsibility of each of us to remember.
Be proud of our Canadian Forces because they continue to make Canada a great country and a trusted ally.
We will remember them.