Mr. Speaker, one year ago Canadians elected a strong, stable, national majority government. That government offered Canadians a responsible fiscal plan, economic leadership and a track record of keeping our great country afloat during turbulent economic times.
Instead of raising taxes on everything with a job-destroying carbon tax or adding regulations, Canadians chose lower taxes to stimulate jobs and growth.
Thanks to the policies of our government, Canada has become one of the freest economies in the world, as rated by the Fraser Institute. As a result, we are one of the best countries in the world to open a business and create jobs.
We want to cut the tax burden, not raise taxes and cut opportunity. We want to lower the tax rates on all families, all the way up the income ladder, so each of us will have a greater incentive to work harder, climb higher and help Canada grow.
I am proud to sit as a government member and I look forward to implementing our low-tax, low-debt agenda to ensure Canada remains the envy of the world and a creator of wealth and opportunity for all Canadians.