Mr. Speaker, this year marks the centennial of the Pacific Coast Hockey Association. The Patrick brothers, Frank and Lester, established this league in B.C. with the Vancouver Millionaires, the Victoria Senators and the New Westminster Royals.
The Patrick brothers' hockey innovations over the years included the assist, the blue line, the goal crease, the forward pass, the boarding penalty, numbers on jerseys or sweaters, as they were called sweaters at the time, the playoff, and they allowed goalies to fall to the ice to make a save.
As a Vancouverite, I am proud to say that Frank Patrick's innovations remain and are still an important part of the NHL rule book today.
This little upstart league also brought Vancouver its first Stanley Cup in 1915. It was the PCHA that helped make hockey the game that is loved by Canadians nationwide.
I am happy to mark this centennial and, as a Vancouverite, am hoping that the Stanley Cup finds its way back to the west coast soon.