Mr. Speaker, hope, growth and opportunity: these are the outcomes we seek as we advance our ideals in policy or legislation.
A government that keeps taxes low, while making balanced budgets a priority, is a government setting the stage for long-term economic growth. We will not solve our problems with debt financing and easy money, for no nation has ever taxed itself into prosperity.
By reducing needless and overlapping regulations, we fuel growth. Making hard decisions today means avoiding impossible ones tomorrow, as we experienced in the 1990s and today are witnessing in parts of Europe because of years of chronic and reckless overspending.
Governments need to prioritize what is important and what is not. They should focus more on education and less on corporate handouts; reward work, not idleness; and understand our great challenges as a nation will not be solved by government officials but by the hard work and ingenuity of ordinary hard-working Canadians.