Mr. Speaker, that is what I indicated. Obviously the member was not listening. The Liberal Party supports the bill. We want to see the bill go to committee.
The member talked about the government working with the stakeholders. The government has been working with those stakeholders for years now. The government has attempted to give the impression that it is acting on reforming our taxation laws and making that a priority, when in reality the opposite is true. The government has been negligent. The government has dropped the ball. It has not made taxation reform and bring legislation forward in a timely fashion a priority. That is the reality. Many if not most of the clauses that will be debated once the bill goes to committee should have been passed years ago. The government has to take responsibility for its negligence in not doing its job in a timely fashion.
I indicated earlier the important point that Canadians very much deserve to have a taxation system that is fair, up to date, modern and completely legal. The government should not just say that the change will be made whenever we pass the legislation. We have far too many pieces of tax law that are in place unofficially. That is because the government has been so negligent.