Mr. Chair, that was not really a question. We have addressed many of those issues already in talking about the contributions to the International Federation of the Red Cross, World Vision, and all of those organizations that have the expertise on the ground.
One of the things I would like to go back to is a comment made before by one my colleagues on the opposite side about issues related to the climate change. He seemed to think that Canada is not doing anything when it comes to helping some of these developing countries with these issues and preparation.
I would just like to let them know that Canada, through CIDA, the former CIDA, actually, agreed to its contribution to the Copenhagen accord, a contribution of $1.2 billion for the fast-start climate change financing commitment.
We know that our thematic priorities are food security, children and youth, and sustainable economic growth. Those are our themes for our development dollars. We know that none of those can take place without having countries prepared. The $1.2 billion Canada has contributed is going to help many of these emerging economies, many of these developing countries, prepare for these kinds of things and ensure that as we go forward, they have a plan.