I would like to take just a few seconds to echo some of the comments that were made. In particular, I thank the hard-working table staff, the table officers and the clerks, and of course the pages. I know in each one of our offices we have very hard-working staff who support us in what we do, whether they be chiefs of staff, whether they be special advisers, speech writers or administrative assistants. It takes a lot of effort to make this place function in the high calibre in which it does.
I very much appreciate the very kind personal best wishes for me and my family. I know many of us have children and spouses back home who eagerly await and when we can come a little bit early, that is much appreciated. The last time that happened to me, one of my daughters said, “Oh, weekend Daddy is home a little bit early this week”.
I know we are all looking forward to returning to our constituents and our families. I wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a safe and happy holiday season.
With that, I will put the question on the hon. government House leader's proposed motion.
Does he have the unanimous consent of the House to propose the motion?