Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank my colleague for his question.
Because I come from the region where the railway plays such an important role, I feel bound to say that, for this day and age, the money invested and spending priorities are inadequate. What we are pleased about in this bill is that when we take a step in the right direction, it allows us to believe, to hope—we are optimists—that it will be the foundation of some good work on this issue, something that has unfortunately not been seen yet.
In my colleague’s riding of Saint-Lambert, which is just about next to mine, there have been cuts at the VIA Rail station which have had a negative impact on the services provided. Even if this is not exactly what we are discussing today, we have to consider the issue of infrastructure as a whole, as my colleague mentioned. These cuts cannot very well be something that is positive.
At the moment, there is a lack of determination and a lack of participation by those working in the field. I would hope that this bill is a sign that more attention, positive attention, will be paid to this issue, primarily for the people from Vallée-du-Richelieu and the people in my riding. If this were the case, I would be very happy to continue the discussion in a positive way.