Mr. Speaker, today Israel is celebrating 65 years as a modern, independent state in a historic homeland dating back 3,000 years.
As was well stated by the late Margaret Thatcher, the political and economic construction of Israel against huge odds and bitter adversaries is one of the heroic sagas of our time.
I was part of a delegation that is just back from visiting three Baltic states. They are rebuilding after decades of occupation. We crossed paths with a large delegation from Israel accompanying Jewish young people on the annual March of the Living to commemorate the genocide associated with the Nazi and Soviet occupations.
Out of the ashes of the Holocaust, Israel emerged, a reminder that the darkest night must yield to a new dawn. Sixty-five years later, Israel is renowned for its contributions to science, medicine, technology and agriculture. Excellence in innovation has earned it the reputation as the “start-up” nation.
Today Canada stands with Israel.
I hope all members will join me in wishing Israel a happy birthday.
[Member spoke in Hebrew as follows:]
Chag Sameach. Am Yisrael Chai.