Mr. Chair, Canada is a recognized leader in clean energy and energy efficiency. For example, the International Energy Agency ranks Canada as second only to Germany, among 16 countries, in its rate of energy efficiency improvement from 1990 to 2008. Since 2006, our government has invested more than $10 billion to reduce emissions and to protect our environment through investments in green infrastructure, energy technologies, clean energy and the production of cleaner energy and cleaner fuels. These investments increase our competitiveness globally and create jobs for Canada.
Our government's clean energy investments contribute to our goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 17%. With respect specifically to energy efficiency, we have shown strong leadership. In 2015, energy performance standards will be in place for 55 appliances and equipment used in Canadian homes and businesses. This is expected to save an estimated 48 megatonnes of greenhouse gases annually by the end of this decade. In 2011, our government announced $195 million over five years to continue its momentum in improving energy efficiency in Canada.
It is this type of action that will assist in meeting our greenhouse gas emission targets.