Mr. Speaker, I actually have four petitions to present, all on the same topic, so let me just read it once.
The undersigned Canadians, the members of the Roman Catholic faith, feel that we have been negatively targeted, disproportionately misrepresented and have had one of our most sacred sacraments maliciously ridiculed by the CBC and/or its programming.
Recently, we were appalled by the CBC program This Hour Has 22 Minutes on which our most sacred sacrament, the Holy Communion, was the object of an offensive and disrespectful attack, an attack to the very core of our faith, the Holy Eucharist.
We draw to the attention of the House of Commons and the minister of the Crown that as taxpayers, as well as members of the Roman Catholic faith following the principles of Canadian values, we believe that we should not be forced to finance a crown corporation such as the CBC that acts in a discriminatory manner and disrespects our religion, or any religion.
Therefore, we ask the House of Commons to stop--