Mr. Speaker, with regard to (a), the crown owns the copyright in the video work.
With regard to (b), yes, for example, music is used in the “24 Seven” video series for the introduction and, from time to time, within the episode.
With regard to (c), rights for music used in the series may be acquired from different music services, depending on the music required. In some cases, royalty free compositions available under a creative commons licence may be used at no cost. In other cases, compositions are purchased from a music service. Fees for purchased compositions may be paid in accordance with usage and cost, from $1 to $30 per composition.
With regard to (d), the moral rights reside with the individuals whose rights are engaged, unless they expressly waived those rights.
With regard to (e), no one, apart from the moral rights owner, owns moral rights in any individual image, video clip, audio clip, musical work, or other work that constitutes part of the larger video work. Either the individual retains their moral rights or they are expressly waived.
Part (f) of the question is not applicable.