Mr. Speaker, last week, the Governor General recognized over 40 amazing Canadians by giving them the Medal of Bravery. Among the recipients was one of our own, Brennan Richardson, assistant to the Liberal MP for Vancouver Centre. When a man tried to rob a gas station while holding a lit Molotov cocktail, Brennan acted quickly, restrained the man and pushed him outside. Fortunately, the bottle did not ignite when it fell to the ground. That is pretty gutsy. Who says Liberals do not have guts?
Also, he is being considered for a second bravery award for a separate incident. The guy is a regular Batman.
I have known Brennan for a number of years. He often needs a haircut, has no fashion sense, and has a peculiar sense of humour. Brennan is a fixture in Ottawa's theatre scene, shares obscure literary references with my staff member Shawn Boyle, and daily destroys productivity in my office. Other than that, he is a great guy.
However, none of us see him as a hero; just a regular guy doing heroic things.
Brennan is a big fan of St. Francis of Assisi. St. Francis and those of us who are not quite so saintly congratulate Brennan for a job well done.