Mr. Speaker, Canada has a lot to celebrate as we get closer and closer to our 150th birthday. As we near 2017, our government will recognize significant milestones in Canada's history.
One of the ways our government is helping Canadians learn about their history is by supporting Canadian films and Canadian filmmakers.
Through the Canada media fund, Telefilm Canada, the National Film Board, and though initiatives like the Canadian film and video production tax credit, our government is supporting Canada's audiovisual sector and ensuring that Canadians have access to outstanding award-winning Canadian films that contribute to our sense of pride in our country.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the National Film Board on its first 75 years, its 12 Oscars, its more than 90 Genies, two Canadian new media awards and seven Webbys.
On behalf of all of us, congratulations on 75 years of telling Canada's stories.