Mr. Speaker, the member failed to mention that those coal bans do not come into effect until 2015. They also allow new plants; they just tinker with it a bit.
Again, the solution to economic and conservation issues is carbon fee and dividend.
Carbon fee and dividend almost does it all. It prices carbon fairly and scientifically, uses only free market forces to foster CO2 reductions, costs virtually nothing to administer, benefits lower-income Canadians, and, what should appeal to that side, no money goes to the government at all.
NASA genius James Hansen supports the Citizens Climate Lobby on carbon fee and dividend. So does venture capitalist Tom Rand, brilliant author of the book Waking the Frog, with great ideas on how we can reduce CO2 and create jobs and wealth.
By the way, tomorrow night Mr. Rand is speaking at 5:00 p.m. at the University of Ottawa.
With a national energy strategy with carbon fee and dividend at its centrepiece, Canada could reach our economic potential in the new and growing green economy.