Mr. Speaker, I rise today to bring attention to a special event, the third Ratanak five-kilometre walkathon that took place in Mississauga this past weekend. Ratanak International's focus is to provide support and safety to benefit Cambodian children rescued from the sex trade and to help put their lives back together after facing horrible experiences. Ratanak has helped provide medicine and medical services, has rescued and rehabilitated victims of sex slavery, and has funded a variety of agricultural programs to help Cambodians rebuild their country.
I would like to congratulate and thank my constituent Larry Dearlove and his organizing team, volunteers, and over 300 participants, who have raised over $35,000 for this important cause. What a wonderful way to spend a Saturday morning with uplifting people who were there to raise much-needed funds, but also to raise the spirits of children so far away. It is a true privilege to support organizations like Ratanak, whose work changes people's lives.