Mr. Speaker, this is one of the most difficult issues we have ever faced in Parliament since I have been elected. I hold town hall meetings, and I have heard from more than 1,000 members of my constituency in town hall meetings who have all raised the question of what we do about ISIS. They are horrified by the brutal beheadings, but neither are they sure that this is a simple issue where sending military efforts and advisers to Iraq will make the difference that is required.
We know that the beheadings of innocent people are an affront to the religion of Islam, that they offend the prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. They know that this is not an exemplification of religion but an extremist, appalling, unforgivable, inexcusable act of merciless, ruthless and inhumane extremism.
With a military presence as small as Canada proposes and has committed to send, do we have any analysis that this is the best thing we could do? Are there humanitarian efforts that would be more successful?
We know that Iraq asked for humanitarian assistance with Liberal, NDP and Conservative members of Parliament. The Green Party was not included in that discussion. We know they were asked for humanitarian assistance. What more can we do that would blunt the attraction of this kind of extremism? It is pernicious and it is evil, but I am not convinced that what we propose to do will end this threat.