Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of order just to make a very brief statement. I apologize for the rather lengthy one previously on the House business for the coming week. We did not have the usual Thursday question, so I wanted colleagues to have a very quick overview of our plans for next week.
Monday, the House will have the first day of debate on the address in reply to the Speech from the Throne.
Tuesday will be the second day of debate on the address in reply.
Wednesday, pursuant to the motion that was just graciously adopted by the House, following the consideration of a ways and means motion, the House will resolve into committee of the whole for the purposes of considering supplementary estimates.
Thursday will be the first and last allotted day for the Conservative Party in the fall supply period.
On Friday, the House will complete the third of six days of debate on the address in reply. The House would then stand adjourned until January 25, 2016.
Mr. Speaker, I move:
That the House do now adjourn.