Mr. Chair, I also had an experience visiting Auschwitz just a few a years ago with a survivor whose first experience, after having been separated from his family, hoping to be reunited, thinking it was a work camp, and going through a delousing experience, was to see an elderly Jewish man stomped to death by a Nazi guard as he groped on the floor to find his glasses. He soon realized he was not in a work camp and this was not going to end well. I am glad to say that Max Eisen did survive.
We have disturbing incidents of anti-Semitism right here in Canada. I have seen reports from Gilles Proulx, a former radio host, who wrote an article in the Le Journal de Montréal. When asked to explain his comments, he said the Jewish diaspora has alleged power to make Washington, Paris, or Ottawa submit to its demands. These again are the myths that the hon. member for Mount Royal raised earlier. There was also the Toronto protest about the Israel-Hamas conflict where a protester yelled, “The Jews control the media, control the banks, control the governments, control everything”, according to a report in the Toronto Sun. Finally, Radio-Canada opted not to censure a host on an RDI call-in show who expressed approval for the callers who equated Jews to Nazis.
We have had these disturbing incidents in Canada, and I wonder if the member would comment on these kinds of incidents here at home.