Mr. Chair, the member mentioned Israel Apartheid Week, that disgusting manifestation that happens on our college campuses. He mentioned that apartheid comes from what happened in South Africa.
I had the privilege of being at a parliamentary forum internationally with a member of Parliament from South Africa, who is a leader of one of the parties there. He has started an opposite movement called Defend, Advocate and Support Israel, or DASI. Kenneth Meshoe is a black African who lived under apartheid. He said, “Show me anything about Israel that you call apartheid and I'll explain to you why it is not”.
Kenneth has started this movement, and he is trying recruit about 25 young black Africans to help carry the message around the world that this slur against Israel, a modern form of anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, is in fact totally out of touch with reality and is an insult to what people actually did suffer under apartheid.
Would the member care to comment? Was he aware of this? Is there something we might be able to do to help bring or encourage this movement to bring some of those folks to Canada to help inform our public discourse?