Mr. Chair, it has been 70 years since Auschwitz was liberated. It is troubling to us all to see the amount of hate and xenophobia in many communities around the world aimed not only at the Jews but also at others, such as the Rohingyas in Burma; and it has been 30 years since the Golden Temple. As the member will know, if we look from place to place there appears to be a movement of hate almost institutionalized at different levels with different people.
I am sure there is one word that the people watching tonight may not understand. It took me a while to understand it. I wrote it down because I thought I would raise it here. The word is pogrom, which is a violent riot aimed at massacre or persecuting a particular ethnic group or religious group. However, the definition adds “especially of Jews”. I found it striking that whoever put that dictionary together saw to it that the leading evidence of what a pogrom is was with respect to how the Jews have been treated.
What does the current government see as its role in educating Canadians to prevent the growth and spread of this evil?