Mr. Speaker, I welcome that question. The hypocrisy is all on the side of the minister.
As he well knows, the measures to improve the environment to better regulate the oil gas and sector were included in the government's omnibus budget bills. No matter how many times we requested the division of those bills so they could be debated and voted on separately, they were refused. The hypocrisy is all with the government.
Our party has continuously called for improved measures and greater seriousness in delivering on what the government calls responsible resource management. It professes that it gives equal attention to environmental protection as it does to resource extraction, but that is far from the truth and far from the matter before us.
As the House is aware, I simply quoted the flaws and the problems identified by the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development. I rest my case, and the response needs to be to the commissioner on the failure to adequately follow up.