Mr. Speaker, I would remind the member opposite that while she might choose to ignore the facts, the facts are that equalization funding for provinces is based on a legislated formula and changes from year to year based on a province's economic strength relative to other provinces.
While Quebec's equalization payments have been increasing in recent years, Quebec's economic performance is improving relative to other equalization receiving provinces. This leads to a decline in the growth of the province's equalization payment. Quebec's equalization payment increased by almost 19% in 2014-15 and by almost 3% in 2015-16. It is a perfect example of how the equalization program is meant to work.
The numbers do not lie. Quebec has received $9.6 million through equalization payments in this year alone, an increase of over 98% since 2006. It has received over $7.8 million through the Canada health transfer, an increase of almost 56% from under the Liberals and over $2.9 million through the Canada social transfer, an increase of over 39% since 2006.
Let me again assure the hon. member that provinces can continue to count on the long-term growing support from this government as we work together in this uncertain economy for the benefit of all Canadians.