Order, please.
I see the hon. government House leader rising. I am of the mind at this point that we are having the effect of actually prolonging the Thursday question even more. The opposition House leader has commented on a subject that has come up before. Indeed, the object of the Thursday question is to provide questions and then a response from the government House leader around the schedule that could be expected for the House in the weeks and in the period following. Indeed, we know that commentary has been allowed, and in fact, a measure of balance on each side, in terms of the time, is the expectation.
We do not time these things precisely, I must point out, but it is my view that the government House leader was wrapping up his comments and was pretty much in proportion, time-wise, to the opposition House leader. Of course, I could stand to be corrected on that, but it seemed to be about the same amount of time.
We will look to the government House leader to perhaps wrap up on the Thursday question, and then we will get on with the business of the House.