Mr. Speaker, the member and I actually served on the immigration committee for a couple of years. During that time we had the opportunity to discuss a good number of different issues as we tried to fit into the agenda what was important and needed to addressed. I am sure the member would recall some of those issues. For example, for me one of the issues was visitor visas and the need to do more to deal with those visas and the impact they are having on the lives of Canadians. However, we have not seen very much progress.
Let us fast forward now to Bill S-7. I do not ever recall during my time on the immigration committee when this issue was brought up. Given that we were sitting on the committee together, I wonder if the member can recall any time the issue was brought up.
We will be voting for the bill, because there is no reason to vote against it, with the exception of the title.
We can question why the government is bringing it in at this time. It is an issue of priorities, and it seems to me the government has its priorities mixed up.
Could the member indicate to what degree he can recall this issue being debated when we were both on the immigration committee?