Madam Speaker:
Carbon Taxman, let us be
We can't afford this onerous fee
11 cents more for a litre of fuel
Taxing me and my kid's school
Farms and families will feel the pinch
When the Carbon Taxman pulls the cinch
Tax the tractor, combine, plough
Tax the chicken, egg and cow
Tax the fuel that heats the barn
Tax the power that runs the farm
Add it up, Liberals, you'll like the stash
When the Carbon Taxman grabs our cash
Tax the Kenworth logging trucks
Tax the chainsaws, log tops and butts
Tax the backbone of industry
And watch our companies become history
The Liberals want to take it all
The Carbon Taxman will have a ball
Thousands of dollars from you and me
Shipping costs on clothes and tea
Earning a wage is not so fab
When it's taken away in a massive tax grab
Carbon Taxman—enough is enough
Don't tax Canadians on all their stuff!