Madam Speaker, I can recall what happened, because I was sitting on the other side with my colleague when the announcement was made. I am not 100% sure if we were in session, if it was the following day or the weekend, but the Prime Minister was somewhere overseas when we found out that he was increasing the age of retirement from 65 to 67. The response from my constituents was immediate, and I would suspect it was from Canadians as a whole. They were saying, “Where did this come from?” Then the Conservatives tried to allude to there being some sort of a crisis, but one that was just not there.
Virtually from day one, the Liberal Party indicated that if we formed government, we would decrease the age of eligibility back to 65. That is one of the things we did immediately upon taking office. That is part of this real change that the Prime Minister had promised. I am glad to say that whether it is reducing the age of eligibility from 67 to 65, the increase to the GIS, or Bill C-26, these are all changes that have a profound and positive impact on our seniors and future seniors.