Mr. Speaker, on the night of All Hallows' Eve, Canadians have a reason to be afraid
The Liberals promised treats, but have only provided tricks to date.
The Liberal legion of doom seems intent on stealing our tax dollars,
This is enough to make anyone run or holler.
Instead of handing out candy or treats, they are giving out creepy carbon taxes,
which will only lead to jobs facing axes.
Whether dressed up as a fisherman from New Brunswick or Newfoundland,
or a logger in B.C., they can all expect to have less in hand.
This terrifying tax is nothing more than a Liberal trick,
The only Canadians getting treats are the preferred, the top picked.
They are dressed up as Liberal lobbyists attending pay-to-play fundraisers,
Doctors, lawyers, or Liberal Party chasers.
While dressed up as a treat, it is plain to see,
The Liberal plan is a frightening trick being played on members and me.
It is raising the deficit to scary new levels,
So we know it is not those dressed up as ghouls, ghosts or Tasmanian devils
That Canadians have a reason to hide this day,
It is because the Liberal legion of doom seems intent to haunt our jobs and growth away.