Mr. Speaker, the member stated that inaction was not an option. He went on to talk about what is happening in his riding of Guelph, and he also referenced other countries. However, he failed to mention what concrete action his government is actually taking on reducing climate change and addressing targets.
Committing to the Paris accord is absolutely commendable. As a responsible nation, that is something we must do. However, in my province of British Columbia, the government has also signed off on two LNG energy projects and a massive Site C dam project in the Peace River Valley, and we are hearing rumours that the government is going to sign off as well on the Kinder Morgan project, which is a huge pipeline project. These projects are going to increase greenhouse gases.
These are huge projects and they have been approved under the old Harper Conservative rules. The Liberals made promises that they would make changes to the new rules and go through changing these rules, the Fisheries Act—