Mr. Speaker, there is the “Open and Accountable Government” document that has been published on the Government of Canada's website. This is the change we are talking about. This is the document, the ethical standards and bar, that the Prime Minister has set for himself and his ministers. I do not know why the parliamentary secretary is asking me a rhetorical question to which he already knows the answer.
If the parliamentary secretary is convinced that the laws in the Canada Elections Act and all of the other legislation that we follow as politicians are sufficient, why is he not asking his own leader what the heck this is for? Why did the Mr. Prime Minister do it? If he did not intend to honour it, it does not mean anything, and we do not have to follow it, what is it all about? Is it just a show? Is it just an opportunity for Liberals to say one thing and do another? Is that what Canadians expect of us? Is that the standard to which politicians want their integrity and honour held? We should mean what we say and say what we mean.